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Why People Are More Comfortable With IoT Technology in The Home

The rise of IoT technology in the home can be attributed to several different factors. We will continue to drive IoT investment in the home.




Bringing Internet of Things (IoT) Into The Home

People areincreasingly embracing the Internet of things (IoT) technology in their homesthrough investing in smart home devices, according to a survey from Clutch.

The rise of IoT in the home can be attributed to several different factors. Three, in particular, will continue to drive IoT investment in the home.

  • “Forced” adoption: More IoT-equipped devices are available to consumers now, to the point where some may not have a choice but to purchase a “smart” device when they purchase a new appliance.
  • Falling prices: As the supply of IoT devices on the market increases, their price necessarily decreases. This, in turn, makes IoT technology more appealing to customers.
  • Ease of operation: The easier IoT devices are to use, the broader the audience they appeal to

This article will look at the acceptance of IoT technology in the home and explore each of the main factors that continue to make the devices popular with consumers.

Bringing Internet of Things (IoT) Into The Home

1. Smart Devices in the Home Drive Familiarity

IoT technology allows people to access and control aspects of their lives remotely through a network of smart devices and sensors that connect through the internet.

According to Clutch’s survey, smart home devices are the most recognizable and familiar IoT technology.

This finding signals that IoT technology is encroaching on our home lives and people are becoming more comfortable with that fact.

Each of the three primary factors that contribute to the increased acceptance of IoT devices in U.S. homes:

2. “Forced” Adoption Grows Market Without User Input

More appliances and devices are being developed with connected capabilities, meaning that when people purchase home devices, they may have no other choice.

The Clutch survey showed that more than half of people surveyed (53%) own a smart home device at least partially due to this “forced adoption.”

For example, if you visit a store to buy a new refrigerator, the entire selection on display may come equipped with IoT connectivity. As people purchase more IoT-enabled devices, the more presence IoT technology has in the home.

3. More Supply of IoT Technology Reduces Price

The cost of setting up a smart home with IoT devices used to be an expensive endeavor.

These devices were expensive on an individual basis compared to their “dumb” counterparts, let alone when purchased together as a connected home bundle.

home IoT device system

The price of smart devices, however, now are often equal, if not less than, the price of “legacy” devices.

Given the choice between the two, and the price being equal, many people are willing to try smart devices.

Also, as more people bring IoT technology into their homes, the more price advantages they can earn from connecting multiple elements of their homes.

For example, if every appliance in your house is accessible through another smart device, such as a smartphone or tablet, you can turn your appliances on and off according to when you need to use them.

With this ability, you can reduce utility costs. Through this functionality, smart technology also can reduce carbon footprint, another area of appeal for many customers.

Many people recognize that some smart home devices can have financial benefits that exceed the cost of the devices. Clutch’s survey found that more 53% of people think that smart home thermostats reduce utility costs.

As more people purchase, use, and experience the cost benefits of smart technology, the more comfortable they will be continuing to invest in it.

4. Ease of Use Removes Barrier For Users Less Comfortable With Tech

Finally, there is an efficiency factor at play with IoT devices – and the increase in connectivity means a decrease in the amount of time normally spent performing the same tasks.

People value the access and control of smart home devices offer. Remotely controlling and monitoring home devices is the main benefit of owning a smart home device, according to the Clutch survey.

The ability to remotely perform tasks such as turning the lights and accessing a home security system gives people a high level of control over their daily activities, a factor of convenience that people are willing to invest in.

Tomorrow’s Technology, Today

IoT continues to expand its reach into homes, businesses, social settings, and other environments.

More devices and more types of devices are now becoming connected to automate tasks, learn routines, and sharing data and information.

As many adopters have learned, there are numerous potential benefits of IoT from a consumer standpoint. Aside from the convenience factor, smart connected products can lead to everything from increased energy efficiency to improved safety and security.

Through forced adoption, lower prices, and ease of use, IoT devices have become staples in many homes, and their popularity only continues to increase.

Helpful Resources:

1. What To Expect From the Internet of Things (IoT) in [2020]

2. Things To Consider Before Bringing Internet of Things (IoT) Into The Home

3. Internet of Things (IoT) and It’s Security Provocations You Must Know!

4. IoT in Hospitality: The Best of Technology and Comfort as One!

5. 16 Best (free) AMP – (Accelerated Mobile Pages) WordPress Plugins in [2019]

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Cloud Computing

Leveraging Cloud Technology for Better Data Protection

This is where cloud technology swoops in like a knight in shining armor, offering innovative ways to safeguard our precious data.




Leveraging Cloud Technology for Better Data Protection

We’re quickly discovering that data is the new gold. But as valuable as it is, it’s equally vulnerable to a myriad of threats lurking throughout the internet. This is where cloud technology swoops in like a knight in shining armor, offering innovative ways to safeguard our precious data. Let’s embark on a journey to explore how leveraging cloud technology can shield your data more effectively than ever before.

1. Advanced Threat Detection Systems

Cloud platforms employ sophisticated threat detection systems that monitor suspicious activities in real-time. These systems use advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to identify and mitigate threats before they can cause harm. It’s akin to having a digital watchdog that’s always on the lookout for danger.

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring the protection and quick recovery of vital data is paramount. Technology partnerships have furnished the market with effective solutions for this purpose. One notable collaboration focuses on providing managed service providers with essential tools and services to safeguard their operations. By exploring specific solutions such as Datto, businesses have the opportunity to enhance their data protection strategies on flexible terms, further strengthening their defense against data loss.

2. Understanding the Cloud’s Security Blanket

At its core, cloud computing utilizes a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or personal computer. But it’s not just about storage efficiency; it’s about security. The cloud’s architecture inherently includes multiple layers of security protocols and complex algorithms designed to protect data.

3. The Encryption Advantage

One of the standout features of cloud technology is encryption. This is the process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Think of it as translating your data into a secret language that only those with the ‘key’ can understand. This significantly adds a layer of security to your data, both at rest and in transit.

4. Global Compliance Standards

Adhering to global data protection regulations can be a herculean task. Cloud service providers, however, make this easier by ensuring their platforms comply with rigorous international standards. This not only aids in protecting your data but also keeps you on the right side of the law.

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5. Empowering Businesses to Take Control

Beyond these built-in security features, cloud technology also empowers businesses and individuals to implement additional security measures. With tools for access management, you can control who has access to your data and to what extent, further minimizing the risk of breaches.

6. Continuous Security Updates

The digital threat landscape is constantly evolving, with new vulnerabilities discovered almost daily. Cloud service providers invest heavily in security research and continuously update their systems to guard against the latest threats. This means that your data is protected by the most current security measures without you having to lift a finger.

7. Scalability As a Protective Measure

As businesses grow, so do their data protection needs. Cloud technology scales seamlessly to meet these changing demands without compromising security. Whether it’s expanding storage, scaling security measures, or integrating new services, the cloud adapts to protect your data through every phase of growth.

8. The Eco-friendly Aspect of Cloud Security

Beyond its technical benefits, cloud computing also offers an eco-friendly approach to digital security. Energy-efficient data centers and reduced hardware needs not only make cloud technology a sustainable choice but also contribute to a company’s green credentials, aligning data protection efforts with environmental sustainability.

9. Data Redundancy: The Unsung Hero

Data redundancy is another critical aspect of cloud technology, where your data is replicated in multiple secure locations. This means that even in the event of a data center disaster, your data remains safe and can be quickly restored. It’s the ultimate backup plan, ensuring that your data’s safety is never compromised.

10. Personalized Security Strategies

The adaptability of cloud services allows for customized security strategies tailored to specific business needs and threats. This means businesses are not just depending on generic protections but can fortify their data according to its unique vulnerabilities and value.


As we’ve voyaged through the realm of cloud technology, it’s clear that its impact on data protection is profound. With its multi-layered security measures, continuous updates, and advanced detection systems, the cloud offers a robust shield against the ever-growing threats to data security. By harnessing the power of the cloud, we can look towards a future where our digital treasures are guarded more effectively than ever before. So, let the cloud be your fortress in this digital age, protecting your data with vigilance and prowess.

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