
Expect Fireworks as 5G Services will Give Marketers the Wings to Fly.

The role of new technology for businesses has always been on the high side. Once a new technology is implemented and used aptly, tremendous growth has been witnessed in the past. For example, the rise of 4G made apps like Snapchat and Instagram easy to use and gave a new dimension to online marketing. We all know how successful those apps are, but without a significant upgrade in technology, from 3G to 4G, this wouldn’t have been possible.

Marketing is not something that depends upon just a clever ploy to get the attention of the target market. Gone are the days when only a discount brochure or a Buy-One-Get-One offer would get the cash registers ringing for any company. It can be valid for a roadside eatery but not for the majority of businesses, as matters are complicated.

So how marketing would benefit from 5G communications, and technology, in particular? Let’s explore.

1. How 5G is Revolutionary in Every Sense?

5G can be termed a game-changer for many reasons. If you think that it will boost the speed of your Wi-Fi connection, you are partly right. And if you have the notion that it is related to smartphones and how they will connect to the Internet, then you are right too. It is the extension of 4G services, which are not limited to the use of smartphones/cell phones.

5G is the fifth-generation digital cellular technology, and there are reasons to be excited about it. Surely marketing professionals are looking forward to it with bated breath. With the dawn of a new decade in 2020, consumers anticipate that they will get gadgets and electronic items that will resolve all the problems they currently face or features that are out of this world. So, what can we expect? Read on.

Inevitably, technology will give a boost to everything, but you need to understand that a lot of research & testing are required to create a fast charger. So, for new technology to shape up, much time is needed so that things can be perfected. 5G is a massive development in the sense that it will replace everything related to 4G, 4.5G, 4G LTE, etc. That’s why just the initial phase of its deployment and the transitional period worldwide will take years to complete.

2. Marketing in the New Decade

5G will allow marketers to reach the masses not possible before. Surely, marketers even now can get into touch with their prospective customers quickly, and with 5G on the horizon; their reach will increase manifold. A traditional 4G network can handle about 4000 devices/square kilometers. 5G networks, according to Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg, will be able to connect up to 1 million devices within the same 1 square kilometer range! I am sure all of you marketing guys reading this will be licking your lips in sheer anticipation!

About the reach, now with fewer devices, people in developing countries can be reached via the lightning-fast Internet, so that the message can get across for a fraction of the current price. Undoubtedly, marketing will benefit from it without a shred of doubt as cost-cutting on such magnitude will offer amazing results for them. Even small businesses and startups would be able to market their products to a broader audience, a scenario they can only think of as of now.

3. Tokyo Olympics and the World Expo in Dubai

Mega-events like the Tokyo Olympics due in August 2020 and World Expo in Dubai will be a curtain-raiser for 5G devices, and the services will enthrall the audience worldwide. A look at the Olympics first. Athletes from over 200 countries in the figure of around 11,000 will be participating in the mega event that will be held in July-August 2020.

The transmission of events like these is a humongous task. In spite of all the preparations and testing, errors can creep in and can put a question mark on the expertise of the company at the helm of the affairs. 5G services will make a killing at this mega event as the lightning-fast speed of up to 1000 Mbps will be enough to match the activity of this magnitude.

Along similar lines, World Expo is also a mega-event held every five years. Dubai is organizing the game for the first time and is being seen as a significant development for the city and region. Marketers and businesses will be the biggest beneficiary of this event as companies from across the region and even from several Asian and African countries are looking forward to it. Let me shed some more light on the event so that you can understand why this event can turn out to be the event of a lifetime for several companies.

4. What Marketing Individuals and Companies can Anticipate?

In the wake of such mega-events mentioned above, there is every reason for marketing companies and individuals to step up their game.

World Expos are held every five years and will be held from October 2020 to April 2021 for a total of 173 days. Yes, that’s right! 173 days of exposure to your product or service from genuine buyers from across the world. With 5G on the cards, the scenario can’t be any good for marketers. It’s a deadly combo for small businesses like a company offering web design in Riyadh to a company providing desalination plants to countries and regions where water is scarce. Undoubtedly, opportunities are unlimited, and the sky’s the limit.

5. Getting into the Nitty Gritty of Things

Let’s get a little technical here and offer you some facts and figures as to why everyone is going gaga over 5G and why it is the future. Latency is defined as the time it takes for a wireless signal to travel from a cell tower to its destination, i.e., your phone. It is currently 50-60 milliseconds for 4G, and 5G will decrease it to just four milliseconds. The difference may not be gigantic for a layman, but in actuality, it will make a world of difference for online gaming and using other applications.

Talking strictly in terms of applications and how they will take advantage of 5G services and features, let’s discuss 4G first. It took around 3-4 years for the apps to come on the market when 4G was announced in 2008, and for a real 5G app, you have to wait for some time now. But this doesn’t mean the marketers will now have to wait for eternity for the apps to be launched in the market. They can use several features of 5G to start using it to their benefit.

The fact that 5G can connect up to a million devices in just a square kilometer area is another reason why a marketing team can look to access several potential customers easily. And that leads us to IoT, as 5G services will finally allow it to live up to its true potential. The simple idea that anything that can be connected will be connected online and to other devices will be achieved through 5G.

6. AR and VR for the Rescue

The deft use of AR and VR, through 5G, is also another reason why marketers will see unlimited opportunities for them to tap into their target market. Pokémon Go is a big hit worldwide as soon as it was released in 2016, and Nintendo gained substantial financial gains as the popularity of the game soared. The AR-based game is just one of the many reasons why there will be many similar or other games which will use AR features used in it.

Marketers and companies like webilistic developing such game apps can get huge profits, as is the case with Pokémon Go. The popular gaming app has been downloaded more than a billion times by the end of 2019 and generated over $3 billion in revenue. If any company can get to even 1/10th of this amount in a year, we are looking at figures around 300 million dollars, which can be bountiful for them. With a high number of users playing a game and buying in-game goodies, AR and VR games are the future, and companies can expect big numbers in profit.

5G can make the game playing easy and fast. The more people will find it easy to play a game, it will generate positive word of mouth and buzz so that it will become popular. Marketers can use a wealth of data from the players to use them in different marketing campaigns.

7. Final Word

5G will not directly impact your life within a few months, but in the long term, it is going to be the difference in how you will connect to the online world and how marketers and businesses use it to their advantage. The examples in this post are just the tip of the iceberg in the coming months and years; you will surely find a number of them.

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TwinzTech delivers expert insights on technology, digital marketing, and business growth strategies, helping readers navigate and excel in the digital era.

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