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Understanding The Psychology of Colors in Marketing

Did you know that there is something like the psychology of colors and that it is crucial for marketing? Yes, the psychology of colors does matter, a lot.




8 Video Marketing Trends to Watch

Did you know that there is something like the psychology of colours and that it is crucial for marketing? Yes, the psychology of colours does matter, a lot.

Colours have the power to have a long-lasting impact on moods, emotions, or even someone’s feelings. Colour is a very influential communication tool. Colours can be leveraged for influencing mood and physiological reactions. Some colours have even increased blood pressure, metabolism, and eyestrain.

For example, whenever you see pastel colour, it suddenly gives a feeling of relaxation. It seems so soothing to the eye as they are subtle. Many brands use pastel colours to depict femininity and beauty related products. Similarly, when you see bright colours like yellow, green, or blue, they feel excitement and cheer.

1. Use of Colors in Marketing

Colours have the power to influence the psychology of human beings how you can leverage the power of colours in marketing, especially in video ads. Use them to make your marketing campaigns one of the most effective ones.

The most prominent use of colours is done in influencing customers’ perception of a brand, as all colours are associated with some emotions. Red is often said to be associated with energy and anger. In this manner, colours can make an everlasting impact on the audience’s minds so they can be very well used for improving the success of marketing campaigns.

Understanding The Psychology of Colors in Marketing

Marketers who use video makers for creating marketing videos are entirely aware of how to play with various shades and colors to make a long-lasting impact through their videos.

Various shades can affect human psychology in a wide variety of ways – right from boosting moods to causing anxiety. A person’s personality can often be defined by the colours he or she chooses. Your preference of colours when making a purchase often says something about the image you are trying to reflect.

Apart from personality, age and gender also have a significant influence on colour choices. Here is a list depicting the effect created by different colours or what type of persona these colours highlight:

White – This colour is often associated with clean and fresh, and a sense of youth and modernity. While making videos of health and hygiene-related products, brands, or marketing agencies could use this colour in the background.

Black – This is one of the most popular colours as it gives the feeling of “power.” We have seen how black is widely used in luxury vehicles as it provides a sense of richness and power.

Silver – This color is associated with a sense of modernity and innovation. Whenever brands launch some new products, like an automobile, they use silver to unveil their work.

Green – This color depicts balance and harmony. It gives a ratio of logic and emotions to any product. This is often used to reflect the sense of nature in any work as it reflects life.

When marketers have to show income and wealth, they widely use green, closely associated with growth. So, green is used for showing health and relieving stress. It shows positivity in all aspects of life.

Blue – This color depicts trust, reliability, dependability, and responsibility. It is one of the most-liked colours by marketers across the world. It gives a feeling of relaxation and calmness. Marketers use this shade to build relationships.

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Vibrant Colors like Red and Yellow – Vibrant colours are more evocative and have a better emotional effect. They give a feeling of happiness. These shades are bold, confident, an attention-getter. If you want your digital marketing videos to be vibrant and lively, you must use these bright contrasting colours in the background. Yellow depicts boldness and a person’s willingness to take risks. Macdonald’s uses red to show hunger.

Purple – This color often stands for imagination and spirituality. It possesses the energy and vibrancy of red and has the stability and reliability of blue. This makes it a perfect balance between the physical and the spiritual. Brands often use purple for defining luxury, loyalty, mystery, courage, and magic. This shade is also linked with creativity. So, marketers often explore purple as a creativity tool in their videos.

Pink – Colors are also associated with gender. Pink is a very soft colour and creates a feeling of compassion and love. So, pink is mostly used for depicting femininity and women’s power. Perfume brands use pink widely in their products.

This supremely soothing colour is the perfect colour for showing emotions such as caring, understanding, nurturing, hope, romance, empathy, and sensitivity. Yet, marketers must use this colour very thoughtfully. Too much usage might give the feeling of lack of power and immaturity.

Gold – Gold has different meanings for different cultures. This colour is used for representing or depicting the feeling of charm, luxury, and treasure. Gold represents enlightenment and spirituality. Numerous religious statues are coloured gold or built-in gold.

Gold shows confidence and is used by marketers to add friendliness, abundance, and prosperity in their ads. However, marketers must avoid using too much gold. This shade is meant to be used as a highlighter rather than a primary colour.

Color Combinations – Each color has a different meaning and takeaway. Using different types of colour combinations, you can make your content easy to comprehend for your customers. Some complementary colour combinations make things stand out. Many sports teams use these colour combinations in their uniforms.

In ads or videos made using subtle colors, the call to action (CTA) buttons are often bright in color so that they immediately attract viewers’ attention, and they click to reach a specific page.


The audience perceiving different colors has a direct impact on the conversion rate of a marketing campaign. People can make their buying decisions and reach a judgment within 90 seconds of watching a video. As a marketer, you must understand that you can significantly impact that decision by selecting the right colour combinations for your marketing campaign.

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Navigating the Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to selling shares from a deceased estate. Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares.




Navigating the Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

1. Understanding the Basics of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

Dealing with a deceased estate can be a challenging and emotional process, especially when it comes to handling financial assets like shares. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to selling shares from a deceased estate.

2. What are Deceased Estate Shares?

Deceased estate shares refer to the stocks and shares that were owned by an individual who has passed away. These shares become part of the deceased’s estate and are subject to the terms of their will or estate plan.

3. The Importance of Valuing the Shares

The first step in selling deceased estate shares is to obtain a current valuation. This valuation is crucial for several reasons: it helps in distributing the estate among beneficiaries, it may be necessary for tax purposes, and it gives an idea of the market value of the shares.

4. Legal Requirements and Executor Responsibilities

The executor of the estate plays a pivotal role in the management and distribution of the deceased’s assets. This section will cover the legal responsibilities and steps the executor needs to take to lawfully sell the shares.

5. Obtaining Probate

Before any action can be taken with the shares, it’s often necessary to obtain probate. Probate is a legal process that confirms the executor’s authority to deal with the deceased’s assets.

Transferring Shares into the Executor’s Name

Once probate is granted, shares may need to be transferred into the name of the executor. This process varies depending on the company and the type of shares.

6. The Process of Selling Shares

After completing legal formalities, the executor can proceed with selling the shares. This section will outline the steps involved in this process, including choosing a brokerage or financial service, understanding market conditions, and making informed decisions.

Deciding on the Right Time to Sell

Timing can significantly impact the returns from selling shares. Executors need to consider market conditions and financial advice to determine the best time to sell.

Completing the Sale

This subsection will detail the actual process of selling shares, including placing orders, handling transaction fees, and ensuring all regulatory requirements are met.

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7. Navigating Tax Implications and Reporting

Managing tax obligations is a critical aspect of selling deceased estate shares. This section will explain the potential tax implications and the importance of accurate reporting for both capital gains tax and inheritance tax considerations.

Understanding Capital Gains Tax Responsibilities

When shares are sold, any profit made from the time of the deceased’s passing to the sale date may be subject to capital gains tax. Executors need to be aware of these implications and plan accordingly.

Inheritance Tax Considerations

In some jurisdictions, the value of the deceased estate’s shares might impact inheritance tax calculations. It’s essential for executors to understand these aspects in order to ensure compliance with tax laws.

8. Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Selling deceased estate shares can present unique challenges. This section will discuss common issues such as disputed wills, fragmented information about the shares, and market volatility.

Dealing with Disputed Wills and Beneficiary Disagreements

Disputes over the will or disagreements among beneficiaries can complicate the process. Executors must handle these situations delicately and legally.

Managing Market Volatility

Shares can be subject to market fluctuations. Executors should be prepared for this volatility and may need to consult financial advisors to navigate these waters effectively.

9. Tips for Executors Handling Deceased Estate Shares

This section will provide practical advice for executors, including the importance of seeking professional advice, keeping thorough records, and communicating clearly with beneficiaries.

Seeking Professional Financial and Legal Advice

The complexity of selling shares from a deceased estate often necessitates professional advice. This can range from legal counsel to financial advisory services.

Record Keeping and Communication with Beneficiaries

Maintaining transparent and thorough records is crucial. Executors should also prioritize clear and consistent communication with all beneficiaries to avoid misunderstandings.


Selling shares from a deceased estate is a responsibility that requires careful attention to legal, financial, and interpersonal dynamics. By understanding the process, staying informed about tax obligations, and tackling challenges head-on, executors can fulfill their duties effectively and respectfully.

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