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Avoid Common Online Marketing Mistakes – Marketing Advice from The Pro’s

Avoid Common Online Marketing Mistakes Marketing Advice from The Pro’s. We live in a world where everything is technology-driven.




Avoid Common Online Marketing Mistakes Marketing Advice from The Pros

We live in a world where everything is technology-driven; digital marketing has taken over and surpassed traditional forms of marketing. Consumers go to the internet for just about anything. If the online presence of your business is created the right way, consumers will choose you over your competitors.

Digital marketing has become so powerful that it can make or break your business. Not only is it essential to have the best strategies, but it is crucial to avoid commonly made mistakes that can derail the success of your business.

Simple mistakes can be costly. Why? You could be spending more time and money trying to correct errors when you can avoid them in the first place. Luckily internet marketing experts are what many businesses turn to for help and advice for the best practices in the industry.

We’ve asked a few Marketing Professionals who specialize in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) analysis for their advice on how to avoid common mistakes.

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1. Larry, What Is One of The Most Common Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Mistake?

“The most serious mistake is the complete and total lack of effort most marketers put into their PPC accounts. We ran a study of about 400 merchant accounts and found that over half did nothing at all every week, while only around 1% of advertisers worked on their accounts consistently over 90 days. There’s a lot of opportunities for Profession Marketers to surpass the competition by simply trying harder.”

“A second immense mistake is settling for below than ordinary click-through rates, which drag down your Quality Scores and increase the cost of your clicks. People might think they’re doing okay if they’re making basic optimizations, but if you’re stuck at 2% and think it’s good enough, you’re mistaken. Ordinary CTRs are usually much higher than that.”

Larry Kim– Founder and CTO of Wordstream and a top contributor to publications like, Search Engine Land, and more.

2. Shirish, What Are A Few of The Most Common Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Mistakes?

“So, you think you have set up the perfect Google Ads campaign? If so, bravo. However, I am ready to bet that there is at least one of the mistakes listed below might sound familiar to you:

Poor Keyword Research – It’s not as easy as selecting just any keywords based on what you think people will search for. Doing thorough keyword research with variations will bring you the best outcome in addition to using Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

Not Testing Bidding Strategies – Don’t commit to trying only one type of bid strategy, whether it is automated or manual. There is no universal bid strategy, its best to test different options to find what works best for you.

Creating Only One Ad Variation – Having one ad per group with the same variation isn’t the best thing to do since you won’t have another ad to compare stats to. We recommend creating several ad variations (2-3) to see which one performs better.

Not Adding Extensions – Not using ad extensions could be limiting your traffic. Ad extensions add extra snippets of information, making it stand out more to drive qualified traffic to your site. ”

Shirish Agarwal – Founder of Flow20 Digital Marketing, London. Obsessed with analyzing data and finding ways to convert traffic into revenue. Been doing PPC and SEO since 2005

3. Armen, In Your Opinion What Are the Most Common Online Marketing Mistakes?

“Trying to make each report/analysis actionable.”

“It’s not necessary to take action after each report/analysis. As long as things are going well, there is not enough sample size data or statistical significance from each report that requires action.”

“Underestimating the CTR and Quality Score”

“Google’s inventory is the impressions, and Google is charging everyone per impressions. CPC, CPA is the well-merchandised CPM model.”

Armen Sargsyan. – Data analyst at 405Ads with a driven passion working with all acquisition marketing channels (SEO, SEM, Shopping, Media Buying, Lead Generation) to promote profitable growth and customer acquisition.

Avoid Common Online Marketing Mistakes

4. Elizabeth, What Common Mistakes Do You Often See with PPC and SEM?

“It all simmers down to this: If you’re giving poor character traffic to your alighting page, then your exchange rates will allow. Just as you can not take back the fact that you just misunderstood your new girlfriend’s mom for her grandma, it’s pretty important to get it right on the first reaction. (Yeah, that’s a PPC nerd joke.)”

“Here are four general PPC mistakes that prevent you from running successful campaigns – and how you might go about solving them.”

You’re not ditching poor-performing keywords – Especially on larger accounts where you have less visibility, it’s easy to fall into the habit of adding new keywords to test but neglecting to clean out poor-performing keywords periodically.

You’re not being strategic about using your daily allowance – Is traffic to your landing page getting cut off in the middle of the day? AdWords resources running out before you even get to 10 am? You could have the most beautiful landing page in the universe, but if your budget is low, don’t expect the best response. You have to pay to play. That’s a PPC issue around mass and value.

Your ad doesn’t match your landing page – Some of the biggest companies have made this mistake. Because they would use forceful keyword insertion in their ads and bid on every keyword in the universe, attempting to drive traffic to search results pages for items they may or may not have. No one likes a less-than-accurate ad and landing page combination.

Your ads send the wrong message – PPC keyword lists should be bucketed not just by a type or theme but also thought of in the context of the buying cycle (awareness, information gathering, or ready to buy). In other words, when selecting keywords, you need to be mindful of user intent.

You want to create sure that you’ve responded to the question that someone searched for.
If you’re not paying attention to user intent and start buying terms accordingly, you’ll see a low CTR because of the mismatch in what appeals to them versus what you’re proposing to them.

5. Elizabeth Marsten

– Elizabeth Marsten, is the Vice President of Search Marketing at Portent, Inc., a full-service internet marketing agency in Seattle, WA. She oversees the paid search, SEO, social, analytics, and content teams have spoken at Search Marketing Expo and MozCon and is an author on

6. How do consumers find your business online? Do you have the best online presence?

After all, your online presence is the face of your company since more than half of online consumers will research a business before buying. Make sure you aren’t repeating any of the mistakes we’ve uncovered to be the most common.

Work with a professional Online Marketing team to get the online presence and advertisements of your business on the right path.

  • Google gets about 40 thousand searches every second, which sums up to over 1.2 Trillion searches per year.
  • There are roughly two billion websites on the internet.
  • Currently, there are about 4.5 Billion People Online, Searching, and Shopping.
  • The world’s population is currently over 7.5 Billion people; more than half of the entire world is online!

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Navigating the Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to selling shares from a deceased estate. Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares.




Navigating the Process of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

1. Understanding the Basics of Selling Deceased Estate Shares

Dealing with a deceased estate can be a challenging and emotional process, especially when it comes to handling financial assets like shares. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to selling shares from a deceased estate.

2. What are Deceased Estate Shares?

Deceased estate shares refer to the stocks and shares that were owned by an individual who has passed away. These shares become part of the deceased’s estate and are subject to the terms of their will or estate plan.

3. The Importance of Valuing the Shares

The first step in selling deceased estate shares is to obtain a current valuation. This valuation is crucial for several reasons: it helps in distributing the estate among beneficiaries, it may be necessary for tax purposes, and it gives an idea of the market value of the shares.

4. Legal Requirements and Executor Responsibilities

The executor of the estate plays a pivotal role in the management and distribution of the deceased’s assets. This section will cover the legal responsibilities and steps the executor needs to take to lawfully sell the shares.

5. Obtaining Probate

Before any action can be taken with the shares, it’s often necessary to obtain probate. Probate is a legal process that confirms the executor’s authority to deal with the deceased’s assets.

Transferring Shares into the Executor’s Name

Once probate is granted, shares may need to be transferred into the name of the executor. This process varies depending on the company and the type of shares.

6. The Process of Selling Shares

After completing legal formalities, the executor can proceed with selling the shares. This section will outline the steps involved in this process, including choosing a brokerage or financial service, understanding market conditions, and making informed decisions.

Deciding on the Right Time to Sell

Timing can significantly impact the returns from selling shares. Executors need to consider market conditions and financial advice to determine the best time to sell.

Completing the Sale

This subsection will detail the actual process of selling shares, including placing orders, handling transaction fees, and ensuring all regulatory requirements are met.

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7. Navigating Tax Implications and Reporting

Managing tax obligations is a critical aspect of selling deceased estate shares. This section will explain the potential tax implications and the importance of accurate reporting for both capital gains tax and inheritance tax considerations.

Understanding Capital Gains Tax Responsibilities

When shares are sold, any profit made from the time of the deceased’s passing to the sale date may be subject to capital gains tax. Executors need to be aware of these implications and plan accordingly.

Inheritance Tax Considerations

In some jurisdictions, the value of the deceased estate’s shares might impact inheritance tax calculations. It’s essential for executors to understand these aspects in order to ensure compliance with tax laws.

8. Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Selling deceased estate shares can present unique challenges. This section will discuss common issues such as disputed wills, fragmented information about the shares, and market volatility.

Dealing with Disputed Wills and Beneficiary Disagreements

Disputes over the will or disagreements among beneficiaries can complicate the process. Executors must handle these situations delicately and legally.

Managing Market Volatility

Shares can be subject to market fluctuations. Executors should be prepared for this volatility and may need to consult financial advisors to navigate these waters effectively.

9. Tips for Executors Handling Deceased Estate Shares

This section will provide practical advice for executors, including the importance of seeking professional advice, keeping thorough records, and communicating clearly with beneficiaries.

Seeking Professional Financial and Legal Advice

The complexity of selling shares from a deceased estate often necessitates professional advice. This can range from legal counsel to financial advisory services.

Record Keeping and Communication with Beneficiaries

Maintaining transparent and thorough records is crucial. Executors should also prioritize clear and consistent communication with all beneficiaries to avoid misunderstandings.


Selling shares from a deceased estate is a responsibility that requires careful attention to legal, financial, and interpersonal dynamics. By understanding the process, staying informed about tax obligations, and tackling challenges head-on, executors can fulfill their duties effectively and respectfully.

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